12,000,000+ sq ft
Cleaning over
every day
Responsive to the needs
of any size organization
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425+ employee strong
Responsible & reliable workforce
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9,000,000+ sq ft
Cleaning over
every day
12,000,000+ sq ft

Archive for February, 2020

Meet the Wilburn Company: Mandel Foster, Building Supervisor

Mandel Foster has been with The Wilburn Company for over 20 years. It’s an impressive service record, even if, he acknowledges with a wry chuckle, it points to the fact that he’s not as young as he used to be. “When I was younger,” Mandel says, “I used to be able to handle anything. I could just grit my teeth and push through it.” He laughs. “Your body slows down a little when you get older, but I still do okay.” As a young man, Foster pushed through a lot of things, often to impressive results. A Background in Hard…

What is Deep Office Cleaning?

Deep office cleaning refers to thorough cleaning procedures that sanitize the parts of a facility that aren’t frequently cleaned. It may also include specialized services, like stripping and waxing floors, machine-washing ceramic tiles, or spot cleaning carpets. Essentially, deep cleaning is the kind of approach you might take at home during “spring cleaning.” You pay special attention to getting areas you normally wouldn’t and are extra thorough in everything; your goal is to get your space to its cleanliest. In deep commercial cleaning for offices, the same principles apply. Let’s take a look at what sets deep office cleaning apart…