12,000,000+ sq ft
Cleaning over
every day
Responsive to the needs
of any size organization
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425+ employee strong
Responsible & reliable workforce
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9,000,000+ sq ft
Cleaning over
every day
12,000,000+ sq ft

Merdith W.B. Temple Brigadier General, U.S. Army

Merdith W.B. Temple Brigadier General, U.S. Army

“You maintained your focus, remained professional in every way, and did what you said you would do for the customer.  The Wilburn Company’s efforts resulted in filling a significant  void in our national security infrastructure. ”

Merdith W.B. Temple, Brigadier General, U.S. Army

The Wilburn Company

Merdith W.B. Temple, Brigadier General, U.S. Army

“You maintained your focus, remained professional in every way, and did what you said you would do for the customer.  The Wilburn Company’s efforts resulted in filling a significant  void in our national security infrastructure. ”