12,000,000+ sq ft
Cleaning over
every day
Responsive to the needs
of any size organization
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425+ employee strong
Responsible & reliable workforce
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9,000,000+ sq ft
Cleaning over
every day
12,000,000+ sq ft

Archive for June, 2022

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The Key to Consistently High Services Levels in Commercial Cleaning

Anyone in the commercial cleaning business knows that it’s not as simple as just mopping a break room floor or emptying the recycling bin. There’s an art to consistently delivering high-quality service. And as with any art, it takes practice, dedication, and a whole lot of elbow grease to perfect. Fortunately, achieving consistently high service levels in commercial cleaning is not an impossible feat. In fact, it can be boiled down to two key foundations: effective communication and a stellar performance management program. At The Wilburn Company, we’ve developed simple and actionable steps to take to incorporate these foundations. We’ve seen great success with this…