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Archive for the ‘Commercial Cleaning’ Category

commercial cleaners

Top Three Commercial Cleaning Trends in 2019

As we move through December and look ahead to what 2019 will bring us, the cleaning industry continues to change and evolve as the years go on, continuing to move forward, grow, and evolve. In 2018, we predicted the year would bring an increase in green cleaning, cost control, and employee training programs. This year, our predictions are a little broader with up and coming smart devices entering into the market, the growth of specialty cleaning services and the continued growth of the industry overall. It’s ironic that last year our blog post started off with a Geico commercial featuring…

commercial cleaning

How Commercial Cleaning Quality Assurance Should Work

  When you’re paying for a commercial cleaning service, you want a quality product. After all, the cleanliness of your buildings can either improve or harm tenant happiness and health. If you receive a poor quality clean, you’ll also get more complaints from tenants, decreased employee health, and your building could even require more maintenance. But how do you know when you’re receiving a truly high quality clean? Sure, you can talk to previous customers and take a walk around your building after the cleaners have come through, but there’s more to a high quality clean than just a cursory…

How Commercial Cleaning Prevents Winter Colds

According to Villanova University, over one year Americans will suffer a collective 1 billion colds. That means 1 billion stuffy noses, sore throats, coughs, and sick days from work. Keeping your employees healthy doesn’t just benefit them, it also benefits your company with increased productivity, more uptime and fewer sick days taken. Green commercial cleaning, among other commercial cleaning services, can help keep your company running by reducing the spread of illness and preventing those nasty winter colds. Bacteria-Caused Illness Colds are spread by touching infected surfaces and then touching your eyes, ears, nose, or mouth. Colds can also be…

commercial cleaning company

What to Expect from a Commercial Cleaning Company

  Knowing what to expect from a commercial cleaning company can be tricky. Especially if your cleaning service comes at odd hours, you may never see them, and you’re probably unsure how to tell if you’re getting what you paid for. Sure, you can check to see if the trash cans are emptied and at what time they come and go, but without context you may not know exactly what you can expect from a commercial cleaning company. More goes into a quality commercial cleaning company than just a spotless clean. Your provider should also give you great customer service,…

commercial cleaning service

Top 5 Skills Cleaning Employees Should Have

The job of an environmental hygienist involves much more than cleaning up spills and taking out the trash. As a matter of fact, that’s why we prefer the term environmental hygienist over janitor. As any good commercial cleaning service knows, our employees have to know a lot more than your typical house cleaner. Let’s take a look at five skills top cleaning employees should know how to do. Handling of Bodily Fluids Depending on the clients of your commercial cleaning service, you may have to know how to handle bodily fluids. In order to handle bloodborne pathogens, you have to…

Commercial cleaning

10 Commercial Cleaning Tricks of the Trade

Have you ever spent a weekend cleaning your home or your office only to come in on Monday and be dissatisfied with your work? It can sometimes be difficult to have a spotless clean that lasts and is as pleasing to the eye as you want it to be. Luckily for you, we’re here today to divulge some top secret tips based on our commercial cleaning experience. Are you ready to fully experience the clean? Check out these ten commercial cleaning tricks of the trade. Don’t Forget the Little Things Getting an amazing clean is all about the little things.…

It’s Time to Move from “Janitor” to “Environmental Hygienist”

There’s a scene in the early moments of the movie Goodwill Hunting where Will (the main character played by Matt Damon) solves a graduate-level math problem in the hallway of MIT that’s been left on the blackboard as a challenge to students. Within minutes, he’s completely resolved a challenge that’s been unattainable for an entire class of brainiacs. It’s compelling to watch – not just because genius in action is fun to see, but because Will is not, in fact, a student at MIT. He’s actually a janitor at the school, responsible for scrubbing floors, not solving complex math problems.…

Why Your Cleaning Company Should Be Growing

Often, there’s a certain level of opaqueness to business-vendor relationships. A vendor is hired to do a job, and they either do it well or they don’t. The curtain to what’s going on behind the scenes is never lifted. That makes sense. Performance in-role is what matters, for cleaning companies as well as for any other vendor. That’s the lens through which a cleaning company should be judged. Yet, what goes on behind the scenes can impact a vendor’s ability to perform a job. If your cleaning company isn’t doing well internally, there’s a good chance that you’ll soon see…

How Green Cleaning Benefits LEED Scores

  Commercial green cleaning uses environmentally friendly and sustainable materials and methods to maintain your commercial property. Green cleaning can benefit your business by saving money, creating a healthier work environment, and by giving you the satisfaction of knowing that you’re helping the environment as a whole. And, if you’re a business owner or facility manager interested in boosting your business’ LEED score, green cleaning will benefit that as well. What’s a LEED Score? First, a quick recap on LEED: LEED stands for leadership in energy and environmental design. It is a grading scale created by the U.S. Green Building…

5 Things You Might Not Know About Green Cleaning

If you’re in facility management, you’ve probably heard the buzz around green cleaning. As a service, it’s changing commercial cleaning, and as a part of building wellness initiatives, it’s impacting the entire field of facility management. Yet, for all of the buzz, there are still aspects of green cleaning that are relatively little-known, or even commonly misconceived. Don’t worry – we’re here to help. Green cleaning is incredibly impactful, and it’s important to understand it fully. With that in mind, here are five things you might not know about green cleaning. 1. Green Cleaning Is Not More Expensive In fact,…

3 Ways Green Cleaning Services Benefit Your Business

As you’ve probably heard, green cleaning services benefit the environment by reducing waste, increasing efficiency, and reducing the usage of harsh chemicals. And, as we’ve written about before, green cleaning services benefit building occupants by improving the health of indoor environments and, consequently, the health of the people who frequent them. So, green cleaning has a lot going for it already; those two factors themselves make green cleaning services pretty appealing. But there’s another benefit a step further down the chain, too, that you may not initially expect from green cleaning. Green cleaning services benefit businesses, too. It’s true. Green…

Is Green Cleaning More Expensive?

Almost any topic these days is up for debate, but one that seems to have been immune to that challenge is health. Just about everyone wants to be healthy and wishes the same for others. Whether people take the measure of eating well, exercising, getting enough sleep, or all of the above to stay healthy, the goal is the same—to live the healthiest life possible. Despite the desire for health, one area that forces some to take pause is commercial cleaning. While it’s important to watch what we put in our bodies when we eat, monitoring what we use to…

The Best Green Cleaning Companies in MD Do This

In a world of endless choices, it can be difficult to know what company is the best option for your cleaning needs. This is especially true if you’re interested in green cleaning, as this term has become a bit vague and hard to define. To know what to look for when selecting a green cleaning company, let’s look at five things that the best green cleaning companies in Maryland are doing. Uses Green Products and Environmentally-Friendly Procedures The basis of green cleaning is using products, equipment, and procedures that are safer for building occupants and the environment than traditional harsh…

Green Cleaning trends in 2018.

Top 3 Commercial Cleaning Trends in 2018

There’s a recent GEICO ad featuring an anthropomorphized robot vacuum complaining about its limited role in the world. “All I do is suck up dirt,” says the vacuum. It’s a morose, monotonous life for the machine. The takeaway is supposed to be that GEICO does more than one thing (car insurance, in this case). The contrast works – sure, a vacuum really does just have one role – but it’s interesting that the marketing people responsible for the ad identified cleaning as a static field when dreaming up the comparison. In fact, it’s somewhat indicative of the overall tendency of…

What is green cleaning?

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Commercial Cleaning Company

Choosing a commercial cleaning company can seem difficult. It’s also incredibly important. Your commercial cleaning company is an integral part of keeping your facility functioning at a high level. Facility cleanliness matters – not just in terms of aesthetics, but also because cleanliness affects the physical health of your employees and the physical condition of your building. So, whether you’re considering hiring the services of a commercial cleaning company for the first time, or questioning whether or not the time has come to upgrade from your current cleaning service, take the time to gather the information you’ll need to make…

Meet The Wilburn Company: Terry Pearce, Project Manager

A little over 17 years ago, Terry Pearce started at The Wilburn Company as a part-time worker. It was just a side job for her at the time – a stress-free way to earn some extra money. Almost two decades later, Terry is a project manager at The Wilburn Company, and her now full-time job keeps her very busy. “I kinda got stuck here,” Terry laughs. “I just enjoy doing what I do. It was basically the environment and the people that worked with me that really motivated me to work for The Wilburn Company full-time. It was more fun…

Green Commercial Cleaning Company

The Science Behind Green Cleaning

Green cleaning is more than just a trend – it is now a staple of everyday life for millions of people around the world. It’s not just at home, though, as many businesses use a green commercial cleaning company. While we’ve written about green cleaning products, what green cleaning really means, and the importance of becoming Green Seal certified, it’s good to bring it back to the basics – what exactly is the science behind green cleaning? Science-based standards for green cleaning are what separates “I’m pretty sure this is green cleaning,” from “I know for a fact this is…

Green Cleaning in DC

What It Means to Be a Green Cleaning Company in DC

Whether you’re in facility management or you’re just looking at different options for commercial cleaning in DC, you’ve no doubt heard about green cleaning. What, though, does green cleaning in DC look like today? Unfortunately, the meaning of the term “green cleaning” has become somewhat murky and ambiguous. Some commercial cleaning companies might say they use green cleaning in DC, but what exactly does that mean? After all, saying products are “green” doesn’t just make it so. Since green cleaning has become so popular, some cleaning companies look to capitalize on the trend. Instead of actually providing real green cleaning…

Janitorial services in Baltimore, MD

The Importance of Becoming Green Seal Certified

The world is a dangerous enough place without having to worry about getting sick all the time at work. While toxic chemicals will kill germs, they also do a number on your health as well. That’s why green cleaning is so important, and why becoming Green Seal certified is the highest standard in cleaning. We’ve been in the cleaning industry for a long time, so we’re intimately familiar with the common misconceptions around it. The pay is low; there isn’t any training; anyone can come into work, and they’ll be handed a mop and a bucket and told to go…

Commercial Cleaning services

5 Tips from an Industrial Cleaning Company in DC

Washington, DC, is a beautiful place, filled with fine dining and entertainment. It’s just one of the many reasons companies choose to call the nation’s capital their home. While the beauty outside of your company is great, how does the inside of your building look? Which begs the question, how much do you think about industrial cleaning in DC? First impressions are just as important in business as they are in your personal life. When potential clients visit your facility for the first time, the overall appearance of your lobby – and especially your restrooms – can factor into whether…