12,000,000+ sq ft
Cleaning over
every day
Responsive to the needs
of any size organization
How can we serve you?
Quality Inspection Team
for every building
425+ employee strong
Responsible & reliable workforce
Learn more about us
9,000,000+ sq ft
Cleaning over
every day
12,000,000+ sq ft


Custodial Training Program

The Wilburn Company’s aggressive and dedicated training of its personnel is what allows us to achieve the highest standards of performance. All of the The Wilburn Company’s staff are required to participate in 12 hours of initial GS-42. This comprehensive training establishes a base of quality and custodial expertise.

From that point forward, they are required to complete annual continued training. This involve 24 hours of GS-42 web-based, site-specific, or instructor-led training based on their assigned location.

The Wilburn Company’s training program includes safety regulations and requirements, green cleaning methodology, healthy cleaning, product use, various cleaning equipment use, and understanding SOP’s specific to each facility.

Green Cleaning Training

As a GS-42 Green Cleaning Certified Company, we take seriously the environmental consequence of traditional cleaning practices.That’s why we thoroughly train all employees according to Green Seal standards. Green Cleaning also helps ensure that occupants remain healthy, and can even increase the lifespan of buildings. Learn more about our Green Seal Cleaning Services.

Management Personnel Training

In addition to the annual 24 hours of GS 42 training, management personnel are also required to undergo continued Building Wellness Institute Training. Management then utilizes the training materials from both training regimens, sharing their expertise with supervisory and front line staff through training.

Workforce Training and Development Program

The information covered in our training program includes:

  • General Cleaning Supplies, Equipment & Procedures use
  • HAZCOM Right to Know/Understand
  • GS42 Green Cleaning Procedures
  • Concentration Dispensing System for Green Cleaning Chemicals
  • Blood Borne Pathogen Cleaning Procedures
  • Hazardous Materials Handling, Transportation & Disposal
  • Green Clean training for Supervisory & Management